Crowns symbolise power and dignity, and so they are fashioned from costly metals and contain precious jewels.
King Charles III’s coronation has been splendidly commemorated in our town, with the installation of ‘the Coronation Crown’, on the suitably named, ‘Crown’ Street. The crown holds fourteen baskets representing the ‘Jewels of the Crown’ and the flower bed around its base, a trimmed red cushion.
It’s a crown fit for a King. It remind us, of the moment that St Edward’s Crown was placed upon King Charles’s head in his coronation.
King Charles III’s coronation has been splendidly commemorated in our town, with the installation of ‘the Coronation Crown’, on the suitably named, ‘Crown’ Street. The crown holds fourteen baskets representing the ‘Jewels of the Crown’ and the flower bed around its base, a trimmed red cushion.
It’s a crown fit for a King. It remind us, of the moment that St Edward’s Crown was placed upon King Charles’s head in his coronation.
" What kind of crown is fitting for a king?
What a staggering contrast it all is to the crowning of the King of Kings. When Christ came into the world, the only crown we gave Him was a crown of thorns. We gave Him a reed instead of sceptre, a cross instead of a throne. All this, for one who said, “I came not to be served, but to serve”. Mark 10 v 45.
Alas, because of our sinful hearts, we hated Him and would not have Him to reign over us.
Alas, because of our sinful hearts, we hated Him and would not have Him to reign over us.
But Mark chapter 10 verse 45 goes on to tell us that Christ’s greatest act of service was in the giving of His very life as a ransom, for many.
A ransom for what you may ask? A ransom to liberate us. We are enslaved to sin and destined for judgement. The bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die and after this, the judgement.
Christ gave His life in order that you and I might be freed from this. And all those who recognise their sin, put faith in Christ’s ransom, believe in His resurrection the third day - they are free. They are delivered from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God's Son.
A ransom for what you may ask? A ransom to liberate us. We are enslaved to sin and destined for judgement. The bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die and after this, the judgement.
Christ gave His life in order that you and I might be freed from this. And all those who recognise their sin, put faith in Christ’s ransom, believe in His resurrection the third day - they are free. They are delivered from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God's Son.
We gave Christ a crown fit for a criminal. He offers us grace to fit us for heaven.
May God Save the King, and may He Save you too.
May God Save the King, and may He Save you too.
If you have questions or would like to know more, please, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
You can reach us via email: contactus@lancastergospelhall.org.uk or contacts us through the website.
You can reach us via email: contactus@lancastergospelhall.org.uk or contacts us through the website.
"He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.'
Colossians 1:13