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The look on the faces of those sub-postmasters who have been exonerated - it’s quite a picture!

Imagine what it must be like for them to have been waiting so incredibly long for justice. For truth to win. For reason to triumph. Not that the verdict recovers all those wasted years. And for some, it has been too late. But still - that moment when the judgement is passed down, the ‘not-guilty’ verdict is given - it must be a moment of true relief, deep-felt thankfulness and unspeakable joy.

Our Bible verse says that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. What is the Bible talking about? Who is condemned? Why can they be exonerated. How do people get in on this grand scheme?

Who is condemned?
Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That is God’s verdict. It includes the non-religious and the religious. No-one is excluded. And if we are honest, it goes a long way to explaining why we see so much malevolence in our world. Sin that pervades systems, institutions and individuals. Sin is the root of the problem in humanity, a product of our own making, and whilst it shows up in blatantly awful ways such as we have seen in the post office scandal, it also shows up in each of us. Whilst it’s true that justice takes into account a good name, none of us are perfect. We have indeed, all sinned. And because of that, we are all guilty. We are condemned.

Why can they be exonerated?
We can be exonerated because God has provided a way.
According to the Bible, it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgement. In this moment, the justice we all clamour for will be fully and finally achieved. God is just. God is truth. The God revealed in the Bible will hold all to account. But God is also love, and so He has provided His Way.

The way involves no community service. No amount of good works would satisfy the cause of justice. Neither does the way involve religion. Justice demands far more. Justice demands that someone be found guilty. Enter, Jesus Christ. Ever wonder why the man Christ Jesus came and died on a cross? Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). He willingly offered Himself to take sins’ punishment, died, was buried, and rose victorious the third day so that God can rightly justify you and me.

How do people get in on this scheme?
Marvellously, all that is required to enjoy the ‘not guilty’ verdict offered by God, is simple faith. Indeed it is almost so simple and so humbling that many reject it. Many insist that they must do something to gain favour with God. Others insist no amount of kindness on God’s part would make them right. Yet for any and all who turn from such thinking and put faith in God’s Son who died for them and took their punishment, there is now no condemnation.

What a joy it has been to see those who were wrongfully accused have their guilt cleared, their name restored. And what a joy it is for those who trust Christ. To have their guilt cleared, to stand right before God, to never face judgement - because their sins are forgiven. What grace. What good news. News that everyone should be talking about.

Lancaster Gospel Hall

Lancaster Gospel Hall - a meeting place for Christians in Bury St Edmunds. Preaching the Word, reaching the lost, gathering in His Name.

