Fear Not Banner

Fear not...

These were the words of angels over the skies of Bethlehem when Christ was born. 2000 years later and the people of that land still live in fear. The conflict rages on.

There is no sign of any imminent good news. 

Bringing Good News 

But the shepherds in Bethlehem really were about to hear good news. And it was good news for all people. Good news for ‘good’ people and for bad. For rich and poor, for all cultures, in all places, at all times. And it’s even good news for you.

The angel said that a saviour had been born.

Look at our world - it is full of wars, death, depression, injustice and so much sin. It desperately needs a saviour.

You need a saviour too.

The Bible says that, ‘There is none righteous, no, not one’1 . If we are truly honest, we must agree with God. Sin separates us from our maker2 and will be rightfully judged. We need a saviour. You need a Saviour.

Good News in a Person

And that was the good news. That day a saviour had been born.

God so loved the world that He had sent His Son, to make the ultimate sacrifice to deal with sin. Years later as a grown man, He did just that. He willingly laid down His life and in so doing, satisfied God’s demands for sin to be dealt with. He provided a way back to God3. A way to deal with your sins. A way to make you right.4 God’s great love is great news.

No Reason to Fear

No wonder the angel said ‘fear not’. Because all those who put faith in God’s Son have no reason to fear. They have every reason to be full of joy. Their sins - forgiven. Their relationship with God - restored. Their future - secured.

But know this: He not only laid down His life, He took it again. He was victorious over death. To reject Him, is to remain in sin and live in fear. To trust Him, is to be saved and live in hope.

The shepherds believed the news - will you? 

Want to know more?

You are invited to join us for our Carol Service on December 22nd. We look forward to sharing more with you, about God's wonderful, good news.

1 Romans 3:11
2 Isaiah 59:2
3 John 14:6
4 Romans 3:25-26

Lancaster Gospel Hall

Lancaster Gospel Hall - a meeting place for Christians in Bury St Edmunds. Preaching the Word, reaching the lost, gathering in His Name.

