Christmas is a time when we make room for things. A time where we bring people in, rather than leave them out. We bring in presents, food and friends and family. We might even make room for a needy soul or two.

It wasn’t like that the first Christmas. According to Luke’s gospel, the infant Christ was laid in a feeding trough because there was no room in the inn. There was no room for Christ in the kingdom either. King Herod sent his men to take the child’s life - so He fled, taking sanctuary outside of Israel, in Egypt. When Christ began teaching He found that there was no room for Him in His home town of Nazareth. He was cast out. And at the peak of His following, after entering into Jerusalem to shouts of praise, only days later He was escorted outside the city walls. There they crucified Him. 

Ironically, a rich man made room inside his tomb for Christ’s burial. But three days later Christ could not be found inside the tomb, but outside, for He had risen from the dead.  All said and done, we did not give Christ room. And when we finally did, He didn’t need it.

We did not give Christ room because Christ is God - and we have long been separated from God our maker. The Bible tells us that our sin has separated us and will for ever unless resolved.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.

Isaiah 59:2


But on His first coming, Christ did not come to judge. He came to save. And despite our sin and hatred towards Him, He died in order that we might be forgiven. He took sin's punishment. This Christmas, if we believe He died in our place, our sins will be forgiven and we’ll be brought in - into the family of God. God has now made room for us. 

So will you come - or will you remain outside, afar off and without hope? We pray that that you receive Him, as Lord and Saviour.

No ear may hear His coming; But in this world of sin, 
Where meek souls will, receive Him still, The dear Christ enters in.


Lancaster Gospel Hall

Lancaster Gospel Hall - a meeting place for Christians in Bury St Edmunds. Preaching the Word, reaching the lost, gathering in His Name.

